Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Steve Olschwanger Can Teach his Philosophy to Medias and Businesses

There are so many television, radio stations and newspapers have not figured a way to get full mileage out of selling banner ads. It’s not the fault of the sales reps but the fault of management who never really discovered how to sell banner ads.
Steve Olschwanger can teach his philosophy to Medias and businesses on where they should place their online advertising
Selling banner ads is not like selling display ads, radio or television spots. So what happens is many Medias end up selling banner ads as an added value. From my 15 years of experience I have learned that banner ads have a value of their own and not giving it away.
By concentrating on News, Weather, Life, Living, Sports links you are missing out. Banner ads can be sold as the greatest marketing tool but most media’s don’t understand. They also don’t understand how to market banner ads.
SteveOlschwanger developed a platform of over 400 educational topics in the areas of Health, Legal, Home Improvement, and Finance. This site offers educational information on over 400 topics that can be sold to businesses that normally don’t spend their advertising dollars on radio, television, or newspaper. This site is a great way to get into the back door with nontraditional advertisers.
Please keep in mind that if you don’t over sell this product you will get new advertisers that will stay with you for a long time and allow you to sell them other advertising vehicles. Remember their banner ad doesn’t need to bring in hundreds of new clients. If you ask more advertisers they will tell you “if I can just get a few new clients” they would be pleased.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Steven Olschwanger Re Banner Ad Sales

With newspaper, radios stations having to reduce their sales staff banner ad sales continue to fall off. Steven Olschwanger developed a system for major media websites to increase banner ads sales with a reduced staff. Steven Olschwanger developed a system where your sales staff can reach 25 businesses in one hour versus one potential advertiser in one hour. Less staff, more contact to advertisers is the key to selling banner ads.

The second most important thing as to when it comes to selling banner ads is creating a target audience for your advertiser. They day of ROS is coming to a close as it makes it very hard to attribute ROS Banner Ads to sales. You need to learn how to create a way that targets end users to contact the sponsor of the banner ad.

If you have a media website Steven Olschwanger created a website that attracts people with a legal problem, medical problem, Home Improvement problem, or a financial problem. People want to be educated. They are not just looking for who are the authorities. The authority to the end user is the banner ad over the educational information.

Steven Olschwanger created a website that offers educational information on over 300 Health, Legal, Home Improvement, and Financial educational topics.

Please contact us at for more information

Steven Olschwanger Taught them as to Weight Loss and Diet

Steven Olschwanger wants to share his 20 year knowledge. Weight loss effects people’s lives and their health.  Steven Olschwanger could charge hundreds of dollars to help people but by providing this information but he would rather share this information with everyone through his free blogs.

God allowed me to get this education over the last 20 years but He didn’t give it to me to make a living off of. Please enjoy this educational information and share it with others. Many of Steven Olschwanger’s students have gone on to make a living at sharing the knowledge that Steven Olschwanger taught them as to weight loss and diet.

If you will follow Steve Olschwanger’s direction you too will have a happier healthy life. Today Steve Olschwanger wants you to understand it’s not about starvation. People fail at losing weight because the directions they are giving cannot be fulfilled on a long term basis.

Tomorrow Steve Olschwanger wants you to tell yourself it’s not about perfection it’s about doing the best you can. Perfection always leads to long term failure. You can’t remove everything you love to eat and expect success. You start off with baby steps. Tomorrow your new life begins.

Take one thing out of your food pantry and start there. Remember if its sitting there in your food pantry the brain is stronger than the heart. Those potato chips will scream out at you to where you will eventually give in. Steve Olschwanger knows if the chips aren’t there close by your urges will go away.