Friday, 5 April 2013

Steven Olschwanger has Written a Cookbook for Children

Steven Olschwanger has written a cookbook for Children not so children can learn to cook but so the parents can learn easy steps to cooking for children that is not so fattening. Don't we all think that if its healthy it doesn't taste good? Children today sit around playing video games, television, or just sit on the compter so children today are getting fat and unhealthy.

Remember nutrition is 80% when it comes to healthy and weight loss. Sitting around idlely is wrong so I have developed recipes that are healthy and easy to make but most important they taste great for Children. One example is my unfried fried chicken strips. Just look how easy it is; Marinate the chicken in Low Fat Wishbone Italian Dressing overnight.

Then crush corn flakes and add a egg and use that as your batter. Bake the chicken on 375 for about 20 minutes or till brown and wallah you have the best untried fried chicken. I like to use potato flakes for my mash potatoes which is a better bad choice.

In the future watch for my blogs as I will be offering some of my children's health recipes in my blogs including great dessert ideas for kids. Let me Steven Olschwanger take the worries away from mom and dad if you want your children to eat healthy the easy and tasty way.